Our services range from the development of overall garden design concept to designing and implementing landscaping
Satisfaction is largely influenced by the value of services provided to customers. Value is created by satisfied, loyal, and productive employees. Employee satisfaction, in turn, results primarily from high-quality support services and policies that enable employees to deliver results to customers.
Our services range from the development of overall garden design concept to designing and implementing landscaping
The layout and shape, the paths and steps linking one section of the garden to another, its focal points or places to sit, are all essential elements of a good design.
Successful garden also needs an efficient irrigation system. We will also design the right systems to ensure that your garden receives the right amount of water at the right time.
A garden is a living thing and needs constant loving care and attention. It is important to review your garden regularly and carry out pro-active actions or remedial work when needed.
In a land where water is precious, its existence in a garden makes it all the more welcome. Water is symbol of life in garden
A Splash of colorful Allamanda climbing up a trailer will give a garden height and visual interest. A cascading jasmine over a pergola makes a beautiful and sweet-smelling arcade.
Disease & Pest control of Plants and Lawns
Mowing and weeding the Lawn
Hedge trimming
Pruning and supporting of Trees and Bushes
Removal and replanting of Trees
Fertilizers and pesticide application
Cleaning and removal of garden waste
Aquatic weeds removal
Keeping the garden neat and tidy
Regularly checking the irrigation system and regulating it according to the season
Sprinkler Nozzle cleaning, adjustment
Irrigation control valve diagnostics etc...
Weekly visit and inspection.
Pruning & Removal of dry leaves
Cleaning and dusting the leaves
Pot cleaning
Periodical alterations in design
Organic pest control
Replacement based on requirement
Lake and pond Maintenance
General cleaning procedures
water treatment and water balancing,
water testing and seasonal care.
Check pumps, and report deficiencies
Check pool drains and keep free of debris.